This is one of biggest the questions I get asked when we tell someone we’re planning on traveling full-time. People want to know where will we go. The short answer is … as many places as we can!!!

James and I have dreamed of seeing so many places it’s hard to know where we will end up. Our only goal is to get out on the open road and live the adventure.

So we haven't made an actual itinerary or anything, but we do have a bit of an idea of where we'd like to start.

Of course a lot depends on the timing of it all and what month we actually get to leave. Originally we were hoping for June but we may have to push it back because of this crazy pandemic we're all dealing with.

Will we go west?

We don't really want to have a set itinerary anyway. Finding happiness on the road and stopping in places we are interested in is what this adventure will be about. We have talked about heading out west and enjoying some sights through New Mexico and Arizona and ending up in the Las Vegas area for a bit. We want to spend part of the summer near some nice pools and enjoy that fun summer vibe for a bit.

One place we do have to hit if we choose to go this way first is the Grand Canyon. We actually lived in the Phoenix area for a little while almost 25 years ago and we never went! Gasp! So that's DEFINITELY on the agenda. ;)

Or will we go north?

We've also talked about going up to Colorado. We traveled there in the fall of 2018 and had an amazing time. There were some places we didn't get to visit because of lack of time so we want to go see those. Plus there were areas we really loved and we want to spend more time there!

So the minor details aren't worked out but we do have a big picture plan. We want to travel through the west and visit all kinds of places throughout New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California, Utah, and Colorado. There are so many things to see and do in those states that I'm sure it will keep us busy for awhile.

I've been to 44 states so far and want to check off the last 6 on my list - Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Alaska. We obviously won't be traveling to these states in the winter - possibly not even in the fall or spring! ha! - so we'll probably try to tackle those next summer.

Eventually we'll even go east

We have a lot of places in the east we want to go see. We've been to Florida and loved the beaches there so I want to go back to visit more. The beach is truly our happy place! (My personal favorite was Marco Island - a place I got to visit for free as a Scentsy incentive trip!) We also want to go up the coast and visit places we haven't been to before. Even though we've been to all the states out that way, there are tons of cool places we haven't seen!

And another aspect we are excited about with this whole adventure is visiting friends. We have friends all over the country and we are very excited to be able to go visit them. Some are friends we've only seen on trips and away from home so we've never seen where they live. Some are good friends we've visited before and we can't wait to go back. Relationships are important and we want to build those through our travels. :)

Where will we go?

My favorite thing is to go where we've never been. - Diane Arbus

So as soon as we get this pandemic behind us all, we'll be heading out on the road and going west...or maybe north...or maybe even east! ;)