Last weekend we made a huge announcement on our Facebook page: our home of 14 years went up for sale and we've accepted an offer. Only two days on the market and we have a closing date of July 15, 2020. While we're totally stoked, we now have a dilemma.

We've known the goal was to sell the house, work from road, and celebrate our own Summer of Love. We've talked about where we want to go and what we want to do. We even entertained for 10 seconds the idea of buying an RV. Now we're 30 days from "being homeless" and we haven't decided which direction to head first.


Where should we go first on our adventure?

I was certain we'd ride off west into the sunset. Well, actually sunrise because we both are too blind to drive at night. But between so many awesome friends inviting us to couch surf their place and this damn pandemic, it's made the decision extremely difficult.

How would you choose which way to go?

The pandemic friendly states.

The biggest consideration is whether a state is open to travelers and if Covid-19 is running rampant in a state. Alaska requires documentation of being negative for coronavirus, Hawaii requires 14 days of self quarantine, and New York is a no-go. Choosing a destination requires research and could be game time decision due to these factors. Each state and their counties have different travel restrictions.

Right now there are some good prospects like Florida, Missouri, Montana, and Nevada. Other states are opening back up for business this week.

Our pandemic friendly friends.

We know so many amazing people all over the world thanks to our business and family connections. We're excited to finally meet Brent and Michelle in Nevada, get in trouble with Spencer and Kristie in Nebraska, catch some waves with Stephanie in South Carolina, and eat some lobster with Courtney in Maine. And we can't wait to enjoy more beers with Theo, Debbie, Ferdinand, Rosie, Merel, Milou, and Arnoud in the Netherlands.

While we want to reconnect with all our family and friends, it's important for them to be OK with these crazy people from OK while we navigate Covid-19. Plus we need to establish how long we're welcome since we've been known to make an extended 14 month stay with friends ... sorry AND thanks to Nelson and Susie. :)

Deciding where we should go first is contingent on these two big factors.

North. West. South. East.

Sounds like a Kayne baby naming convention. There are so many great places to go and honestly there are no wrong answers. Any direction will result in smiles and the journey of a lifetime. But there has to be a starting point right?

At this current moment as I sip on a Watermelon Truly Hard Seltzer (don't judge me) there is one way I'm leaning. FYI It's not because I'm drunk and can't sit up straight.

Southeast towards Gulf Shores then east and north before going west and south.

Donetta and I've talked about going to Gulf Shores for a while. We absolutely love being at the beach and kicking off our tour on some white sand sounds so appealing. It would work well for my new favorite song and maybe they even had a nude beach for me to enjoy. LOL

I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand
Not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand
Life is good today, life is good today - Zac Brown Band

From there the plan would be surfing with the sharks in Florida before trucking it up towards South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Maine. Then haul ass back to Nevada and Arizona to stay in the warmer weather for the winter. However, since I am directionally challenged, it might not go as planned and we'll end up in Mexico.

Either way, our plan is traveling for at least a year so hopefully every state and Europe can be visited in that time.

What is your recommendation?

Some of our friends have made some fantastic recommendations and many have offered us a place to crash. Thank you all for that!

It's hard to believe the day is almost here. To be honest there is a little fear in doing something so crazy, but we're optimistic it will all work out. And who knows ... maybe our first stop will be your place.

If you could go anywhere, where would you go first?