We talked about doing it several years ago and we had friends suggest this lifestyle to us. We are always up for something different but I never imagined we’d go down this road on our journey together but … Donetta and I bought an RV!

Yes it’s true. I said it would never happen.

We were committed to living in hotels or resorts because it’s just easier that way. Sure there are pros and cons for hotel living, but the hassle of anything else wasn’t appealing. Until recently.

The idea of a home base is appealing.

Last year before Christmas, my lovely wife began lamenting about how she missed the kids and other blah blah blah stuff relating to emotions about the holidays. It was starting to feel like Christmas with the Kranks (Donetta’s favorite holiday movie) when Luther feels like his dream vacation is about to be lost.

OK. I’m just teasing her and it didn’t quite happen like that, but we did discuss how having a home base somewhere could be beneficial for holidays or when hotels and gas prices are too cost prohibitive to travel — like right now.

Plus a home base option provides us with a place to store the gear we don’t need. Why have all our cold weather gear to be in sunny Florida? And we can come back to see family or work locally when it’s needed.

So we bought an RV.

My sister and her husband also were looking for a fifth wheel to crash in as they build their new barndominium at Lake Texoma. As we all started talking we decided to partner together to buy an RV to save money while testing out this type of lifestyle.

After looking at quite a few fifth wheels around the area, we finally purchased a 2004 Glendale Titanium that was in great shape! It’s been very exciting and we’ve lived in it for weeks.

We’ll be moving our new home base down to Lake Texoma on their property until we get booted off or start building on our land next door to them. We have no intention of hooking this up to our truck and driving it across the country though. I’m still not that crazy.

How RV living has been so far.

It’s been pretty awesome having our own space again and because we’ve been living a minimalist lifestyle, jumping into a fifth wheel has been an easy transition.

We’ve learned a lot too. Like how to drop poop from a tank, running a stove on propane, and how to blow fuses by having too many appliances hooked up. LOL.

Overall it’s been a great experience EXCEPT dealing with Oklahoma storms and high winds. I won’t lie, there have been a few nights I was terrified because the RV was rocking … not from passionate sex but because the winds were 60-70 mph. Talk about pooping. OMG!!!

We’re not sure how the rest of the summer will go once we move down to the lake (and it’s like 5 blocks from the beachfront) but Donetta and I do look forward to what’s ahead. Party at the lake anyone???

That’s the story for now.

I never thought we’d be owners of an RV but here we are. It’s a nice solution to our needs for the moment and I’m sure there will be way more to share in the coming months.