Hello fellow travelers and adventurers! I hope the new year has started off great for you and positive things are happening in your life.
As many people in the United States and parts of central Europe have been experiencing arctic temperatures and snow, we are enjoying sunshine and decent weather in Sedona, Arizona. But wherever you may be, I hope you are safe and warm.
So over the holidays, I spent time contemplating about my future and where I needed to go as a creative professional, as well as what exactly we should do with this publication in 2025 and beyond.
I think it’s beneficial and extremely valuable to evaluate where we’ve been and where we want to go so we can make adjustments to make our lives better. This is more than coming up with resolutions that get tossed aside the first two weeks of a new year; it’s about having a hard and candid conversation with yourself to understand what needs to change. And to be honest, it can be a painful process at times!
However, when you take time to ask those difficult questions and answer them, this form of self therapy can allow you to become a better person.
In my own life, this practice has helped me let go of past hurts and regrets, forgive myself of stupid mistakes, make better choices for the future, uncovered solutions that made me happier and healthier, and provided clarity for my endeavors.
The end result has been a beautiful experience!
I’d like to share how all this deep contemplation has given me renewed energy for Road Life Magazine and our endeavors.
I’ve spent decades wandering in the proverbial desert trying to find my way to the promised land, a place where I could bring together my passions, experiences, interests, and skills in a way that brings me happiness and peace, but also in a way that could inspire and be meaningful to others.
It all fits perfectly for the vision for Road Life.
There are no simple words to express how the adventure travel lifestyle has changed both of us but we can easily say we have absolutely loved all of it. Now we really want to build our future around it.

Our goals for 2025 and beyond.
- Focus on storytelling that ignites an adventurous spirit.
- Create a community of kindred spirits.
- Share the stories of other adventurers and travelers.
- Generate goodwill for the places we visit and the people we meet.
- Celebrate our adventures together in person.
- Build a brand that means something.
- Launch a store of curated travel adventure products.
For us, this is more than just an online publication, it’s everything we dream about!!! Therefore we’re deeply committed to seeing this vision become a reality.
I’ve written about our magazine launch before and we’ve made some good progress, but it’s definitely not anywhere close to what I want it to be yet. This year it’s time to really amp it all up and make it happen.
One of the biggest ideas we want to start ASAP is interviewing other travelers and adventurers about their experiences. I’ve met some awesome people over the years who inspire me and have way more insights than I do. Why not give them a place to share their advice or lifestyle with us? Maybe it will be via podcast, video, or posting, but this could be super fun.
I also want to work harder at storytelling like travel books did in the past and not just write about the same “10 Things to Do and See” type posts everywhere else. Those things serve a purpose, but I’d love for you to feel the adventurous spirit as you read, then be motivated to get out there and live it.
Plus we also want to encourage travelers to practice better strategies for traveling, ensuring the local communities we spend time in receive our goodwill and care in ways they never expected. This is desperately needed in a time when over-tourism has left a bitter taste in people’s mouths all over the world.
We have more ideas but this is the start.

Travel writing for the average person.
- People dreaming about the adventure travel lifestyle.
- People living this dream every single day.
- People seeking a community of roadies just like them.
More than anything, we want to bring average people together and see them live their own adventures before it’s too late in life.
Most of the travel publications out there cater to the retired or financially wealthy readers, making these dreams seem hopeless and unattainable, or they focus on extravagant experiences most middle aged, middle income Americans cannot afford.
There is a different way and we want to show others how to do it.
Road Life isn’t about staying in $10,000 per night hotels or taking an all inclusive trip to the Arctic circle to do the polar plunge; it’s about responsibly exploring the world around you on a budget until you can’t do it anymore.
There’s plenty of resources for vacation travel. Not many for full-time nomads.
Especially on limited funds.

Building community matters.
If I had to give you one aspect of the adventure travel lifestyle that really sucks, especially if you’re a solo traveler, is not having others to celebrate it with.
Most humans long for a sense of community, and when you’re constantly on the move, it makes it extremely difficult to make new friends or connect with others who share similar passions.
I don’t know how to create it but I know how it looks. Maybe this year we’ll find some way to build it.
It would be super cool if we could hold adventure meetups at different locations or throw a huge shindig every year to have fun, other than just focusing on online efforts.
Whatever happens though, strong community matters.

How will you live your adventure this year?
Unless you randomly found yourself at this website, chances are you stopped here for a reason. Maybe you have a lust for adventure or travel too.
If so, what are your hopes for 2025?
I want you to really think about it and share it with us. Not only are we curious to know what you want to do, but sharing it also helps it become a reality. That’s exactly why I’ve written this post. LOL!
Of course you can write it down and keep it to yourself.
You can also subscribe to our publication for free.
Either way, we love helping people live their own adventures, so if you think of ways we can make that easier for you (besides giving you a truck load of cash), please let us know.
Your input means a lot.