It's finally time to answer the question of where we're going first and announce the decision of Life from the Road travel plans! It's sure to be some entertaining episodes as we figure out how to adjust to living on the road.

While my original plan was to live the "Summer of Love" 2020 style, I suppose my speedo wearing days by the pool will have to wait as we're heading to cooler weather.

The Decision to Head North

Donetta has REALLY been dreaming about seeing the great outdoors and visiting a few of the 50 states she hasn't visited yet. And because I love and cherish her so much I thought why not? Besides, I need to add some brownie points to my always depleting love account.

Why traveling north first makes sense.

I absolutely and unequivocally hate the cold. Frozen hands and feet for part of the year is no way to live. I now understand and respect why so many older people move to warmer clients during the winter. Forgive me for the years of judgement!

Right now the weather is great in Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Montana. In a couple of months it will all become a Fortress of Solitude and that's not living the dream to me. Aside from the blizzards certain to come, these states have an abundance of wildlife, state parks, scenery and lack of huge populations we've been longing to enjoy. Perhaps I'll even get my picture with a Grizzly bear.

We're stoked about the opportunity to experience the wonders in front of us and the time to be outdoors. There will be planned hikes to frolicking in the woods. Wink, wink.

A roadmap image of where we are going first.

The Proposed Travel Route

When deciding where to go first, my only request was to be in Las Vegas to celebrate my 50th birthday in September. Donetta worked her magic and mapped out the entire route for us. I love what she's done.

She used Rand McNally TripMaker which is a very cool (but clunky) resource. The app gives us the miles to destination, approximate time of arrival, and estimated fuel costs. It provides a great snapshot of our plans and allows us to let friends know in advance we plan to crash on their couch. Of course with a crazy pandemic all around us, things can change and we might have to adapt as we go.

Some of the many places we have for our travel plans include:

  • Sante Fe, New Mexico
  • Manitou Springs, Colorado
  • Laramie, Wyoming
  • Rapid City, South Dakota
  • St. Cloud, Minnesota
  • Fargo, North Dakota
  • Glacier National Park, Montana
  • Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Las Vegas, Nevada

If you ARE along our travel route we seriously would love the chance to connect or hang out. One of the benefits of traveling full time is being able to slow down and spend time with people.

Our Chevy Silverado 1500.

We're heading out soon

Next week we will be doing a road trip to Odell, Nebraska to see our friends Spencer and Kristie. Then we'll be back in Oklahoma for a few days to celebrate our son's birthday. On Sunday, August 9th, we will depart for "Season 1" of the Life from the Road.

Oh yeah. We have a new family member joining us on the road ... a 2020 Chevy Silverado LTZ!!!

We'll be writing a separate post about why we chose a Chevy Silverado for our travel vehicle of choice and the dealership experience, but for now we're extremely happy to finally have a truck. Now we just have to name her (or him since we're not sexist) and maybe you can even help. Contest anyone?

That's our travel plans for now. We hope to see you on the road.