When we were invited on a Maui vacation of a lifetime, we never really expected it to happen. In fact, we thought it was only a pipe dream. Especially with the pandemic travel restrictions for Hawaii. At one point, we even decided not to go in order to avoid heart-breaking disappointment. But somehow we made it to this tropical paradise and we're so glad we did.

An offer to stay in Maui for free.

Things like this just don't naturally happen for us. I'd have better odds at building a snowman in hell or giving myself a body like that of a Roman god. Yet several months ago we were asked by two very dear friends of ours if we'd like to stay in Maui for free. On the beach. No strings attached.

All we had to do was purchase our airline tickets and go.

Now I've done some very stupid things in life and missed the proverbial boat completely at times, but I wasn't going to screw this one up. Not only were we being offered an opportunity of a lifetime with very little investment, we'd also be honored to celebrate our friends' wedding anniversary with them and a 50th birthday. It was like being struck by lightning and winning the lottery on the same day.

Donetta and I knew it would be an unforgettable and epic vacation. Or perhaps not.

Dumb guidelines and regulations but we followed them.

Damn those Covid mandates.

Purchasing two round trip plane tickets from Southwest Airlines (for only $850 total) was the easy part. What would be the bane of our existence were the stupid and constantly changing Covid mandates. Nothing could prepare us for this asinine roller coaster ride!

As I researched the guidelines, the information was extremely confusing and frustrating.

The CDC, Maui government, and Hawaii travel websites all seemed to have similar but different travel information. People told us vaccines were mandatory to fly or land in Hawaii, while other travelers told us it wasn't true. It was possible to be quarantined for the entire trip or simply be put back on the plane home if we tested positive. #WTFHawaii

Our biggest concern wasn't what would happen to us, but to our friends. Based on my understanding, we would compromise their entire Maui vacation and celebration if we didn't get vaccinated (which we didn't) or get negative test results. This was too much to bear so we pulled the plug on our dream two weeks out.

So you're telling me there's a chance?

Understandably, our friends weren't happy with the decision because they really wanted us to go, but at that moment, we felt it was this right thing to do. However we also left the door slightly open if restrictions changed before the travel date. And Brent, with his unending love for movie quotes, simply and gleefully responded ..."so you're telling me there's a chance?"

Fortunately for us, we decided to give it a go despite all the potential negative consequences. On November 4th, 2021, we crossed the magical bridge in the sky and finally set foot in Maui for one of our most memorable experiences ever.

Photos of Maui, Hawaii.

The Maui Vacation Experience

There is SO MUCH to share about our experience that we'll have to write several posts about our ten days in paradise. The Road to Hana, the Whaler Beachfront Condo, the trip to Maui Brewing, and my epic choreographed dance to Footloose all deserve individual and special attention. And yes, I most certainly danced like Kevin Bacon -- or perhaps the beers made me feel like Kevin Bacon in that incredible scene. ; )

For now, I can at least give you the Cliff Notes version.

It was legen ... wait for it ... dary. Legendary!

In the TV series How I Met Your Mother, Barney Stinson is notorious for stating all his plans are gonna be legendary. Usually they aren't. However our trip to Maui was nothing less than that.

From the moment we walked into the condo we were held captive by some of the greatest beauty we've ever seen.

Imagine walking into a 1,952 square foot place and immediately seeing full width views of the Pacific Ocean and the islands of Lanai, Molokai, and Oahu out your back door. With the pristine sandy beaches below and the Black Rock cliff to our right, we could feel the cool breeze coming from the mountains. The painted evening sky of incredible colors as the sun melted into the ocean was breathtaking.

For ten days we got to enjoy this priceless gift and a slice of heaven.

The gift doesn't stop there either.

We spent time walking (and sometimes frolicking) on the beach, soaked our sun-baked bodies in the ocean view hot tub, enjoyed adult beverages on the wrap around balcony, and made love by the ocean. OK, it wasn't right by the water but a hundred yards still counts technically. Sorry Donetta. LOL!

The romantic and relaxing vibe of our Maui vacation was truly appreciated. Our excursions around the island were extremely memorable. And witnessing the dolphins playing across the water and the whales migrating their way across the channel were such a bonus.

Again there is too much to tell in one blog post, so more will need to be published.

We owe so much to Brent and Michelle! Here's some photos of us together.

We must thank our friends.

None of this would have been possible without the incredible generosity of Brent and Michelle. It's not budget friendly to visit and stay in Maui -- at least for our traveling lifestyle. We probably would never have done this on our own, but we were given a once in a lifetime opportunity by our friends who have truly become family to us. Thank you so much!!!

Donetta and I will be sharing about our excursions and the condo review soon. We hope it's beneficial should you find yourself lucky enough to make it to this island in the future.