I loved Little House on the Prairie when I was growing up and even have the whole collector's edition of Laura's books. I still love to watch the show from time to time when I think about it. ;) When I saw that we'd be traveling near one of the places she called home, I thought it would be a cool place to visit.

So, yesterday we stopped in De Smet, South Dakota, to visit the museum and see the places they've preserved there. It’s just a small little town but has so much history! Such a fun experience.

We didn't do the actual tour but we did walk around the area and look at all the buildings they have for people to see. We saw the Surveyor's house which is the oldest building in De Smet. It's also the house the Ingalls lived in their first winter in the Dakotas in 1879.

Surveyor's House

The Ingalls homestead, where they moved in 1880 and lived until 1887, is a part of the memorial site and you can visit that as part of the tour or on your own. They have a variety of things you can do here to help take you back to the pioneer days too.

Ingalls Homestead 

The first school house in De Smet is a building you can see and it's where Laura attended school. They have a beautiful statue of her out front as well as some beautiful gardens. There is also a replica of the Brewster schoolhouse which is also where Laura attended and then later taught school. The crazy thing is she was only 15 years old when she started teaching!

Top - De Smet's First Schoolhouse...Bottom - Brewster Schoolhouse

Also part of the tour is the Ingalls home that the family lived in from 1887 to 1928 - after Laura grew up and married Almanzo. It's a five bedroom home that was built room by room as the family had the money to add on.

Ingalls home 

The family graves are in the cemetery in De Smet and you can tour that area as well. It's a beautiful place with an amazing view of the area.

Ingalls burials

If you're a fan of Little House on the Prairie and have enjoyed reading books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, this is a really fun place to visit. They've done a beautiful job of preserving her history and sharing her story.