If you ever get a chance to travel up the western shore of Lake Superior, you should do it. We had the opportunity to do that and it was so beautiful! And to top it off, we had a personal tour from one of my very good friends, Becca, and her husband, Scott. This made it so much fun.

Becca and Scott live in northern Minnesota so we thought it would be great meeting in Duluth, Minnesota to hang out. We both booked rooms at Barkers Island Inn Resort - which is actually across the bridge in Superior, Wisconsin - and enjoyed a beautiful view of Superior Bay. After we got checked in and dropped our stuff, we took off for the Canal Park area in the downtown waterfront area of Duluth. It was such a cool vibe there!

We got to walk the Lakewalk path and see the Duluth North Pier Lighthouse and the Aerial lift bridge. Plus it was so beautiful out that we sat outdoors to eat some delicious Mexican food at Little Angie's Cantina and Grill. Their drinks were pretty good too!

Photos from around Lake Superior

Our Lake Superior Coastal Adventure Begins

The next morning was when the real adventure began though!

We got up early and headed all the way up the coast to Grand Portage State Park to start our day, before working our way back down the coast to Duluth to stop at all kinds of amazing places along the way. At Grand Portage we hiked along the Pigeon River, which is the border between the US and Canada. Unfortunately the borders were closed due to Covid so we didn't actually go into Canada - just waved at it from across the river. ;) We also hiked up to see the High Falls and then back to the visitor center.

Our next stop was Judge CR Magney State Park.

We hiked along a river and up to some waterfalls, where we discovered Devil's Kettle, a super cool and interesting place. Check out our video to see why!

Then it was onto Grand Marais!

Grand Marais was a beautiful little place where we stopped to have a late lunch and explore a little bit. The water in that area was just gorgeous and the shore was made up of really interesting volcanic rock. Who knew that existed up there?!

Our next stop was Temperance River State Park.

We hiked around and saw more beautiful waterfalls and rivers at this park too. Are you catching on to the theme? Haha! There's lots of water in these parts.

The falls were really unique in that they were almost completely enclosed and surrounded by rock. You had to get at the right vantage point to even see them.

The final destination was Gooseberry Falls.

Gooseberry Falls was an interesting place because our friends were telling us this was the lowest they'd ever seen the water. Normally there's so much water coming from upstream that the falls are huge and thunderous. On this day they were pretty small and only covered a small area compared to normal. It was so beautiful and peaceful there though! We really enjoyed this area.

All in all our Lake Superior coastal adventure was amazing - partly because of the beautiful scenery we got to experience but mostly because of the fun we had with great friends.

Becca and I met through our Scentsy careers and have been friends for years, but this was the first time we'd all hung out together. It was so awesome because we all just immediately clicked and had such a great time. I sure treasure friendships like that.

We want to thank Becca and Scott for such an incredible time. We hope to do it again.