Today I'd like to write a special post to wish a Happy Birthday to my mom. I know she'll be on her iPad looking through posts on Facebook as she does everyday. It sucks I can't be with her due to the concerns of the Covid-19 virus. Hopefully this will be the next best thing.

Happy Birthday to a mother who has been through so much.

From experiencing the horrors of World War II as a child to living through famine in the outback of Australia, she's been a survivor. Mom lost her husband and best friend 29 years ago, then battled through breast cancer. She's taken care of numerous family members as their health deteriorated from disease and been there for their last breath.

When I think back to all her stories and sacrifices over the years, it makes me appreciate the life I've had even more.

Johanna Maria Antoinette Gulikers-Dalman has endured a lot of hardships in her 81 years of life. It amazes me how my mother has gone through so many challenges in her life, yet continues to be a source of strength, love, and compassion. I admire her for that.

Tina Dalman with her grandkids and great grand-daughter.

Happy Birthday to a mother who has always served others.

You might not believe it, but I was a problem child. From my birth to a teenager, my life involved her pregnancy complications, severe allergies, and a couple near death experiences.

Mom had to prepare and bake special food for me every day as a kid because there was so much I couldn't eat due to those allergies. She worked hard to ensure I was well taken care of and my health was the best it could be. That's just the tip of the iceberg.

Between field trips at school to standing in lines for hours to buy Star Wars toys for my birthdays, she went above and beyond for her favorite child. Sorry Maria and Julia, but it's true. HAHA! Truthfully, she did so much for all of us that no blog post could contain her praises.

Her servant attitude has never stopped.

My mother helped take care of 15 siblings as she grew up. She looked after neighborhood kids who didn't have meals or clean clothes. She welcomed many family members into her home to live when times where tough. Now she takes care of her six year old great-granddaughter every day with more energy than I believe to be humanly possible.

When I think of a person who has lived a life of service, I don't think of Mother Teresa; I think of my own mother, Mother Johanna.

Happy Birthday Mom!

There are not enough words to express how much I love you and how important you are. While there are many times I feel I've failed as a son, I've never felt you failed as a mother.

You deserve so much for the amazing life you have lived. You have been an inspiration to me and I'm forever thankful for everything you have done.

Thank you for always putting up with the craziness of my life and loving Donetta like a daughter since she joined our family. Thank you for showing so much compassion to others and giving all you have to those in need. Thank you for being who you are and sharing your stories with the world.

I love you and wish you a very special day even though we can't be there to hug you and celebrate. You mean the world to us. Even though you said I was the ugliest baby you had ever seen. :D