Our crazy road life adventure started back in 2020.
While we'd been fortunate to enjoy a handful of exciting trips around the world over the years, our dream was to travel full-time as digital nomads. We wanted to experience new places and cultures as a lifestyle, not as short vacations. And we'd talked incessantly about this dream for years!
But we never expected it could happen for us - two average, middle-class Americans who won't be able to retire and who aren't independently wealthy.
The idea that adventure travel is only for the filthy rich or the filthy hippy is a story that's been told in publications for decades. You either had to be an aristocrat with money or a homeless hitchhiker to experience this lifestyle.
Thankfully we discovered this wasn't true. There is another way.
Four and a half years ago we sold almost everything we owned - including our house. We downsized from our four bedroom, two car garage home into a Chevy Silverado 1500 pickup truck, affectionately known as Belle. There was no plan and no backup as we headed out west toward Yellowstone with just our hopes and dreams.
It's been a ride of a lifetime!

Pics from around the world. We really need to work on our selfies though!
Not only have we visited many incredible places during this time, we've met amazing people and made friendships all over the globe. It's been absolutely rewarding in ways that cannot easily be expressed into words.
When we first started journaling about our adventures, the purpose was to make an online 'memory book' so we could remember our experiences, but we also discovered others loved our stories and insights about traveling as well.
As we shared our lives with others, we learned how so many people wished they also could enjoy the travel adventure lifestyle, but they never believed it could ever happen for them. This is the reason for Road Life Magazine.
We want to show other ordinary people that the dream is possible.
You don't have to be independently wealthy or retired (we aren't) to explore the world around you, nor do you have to own a big fancy rig or equipment. All it takes is thinking differently about the entire process and getting started.
We hope you'll join our community and learn how two average people with a limited budget made their vision a reality. This place is for you!