One would likely not consider taking a road trip to Odell, Nebraska. Who in their right mind would ever drive hundreds of miles to stay in a town of 300 people? Especially in the middle of corn fields. Children of the Corn anyone??

But Donetta and I aren't ordinary in any sense and we'll travel to obscure places to get our thrill on. Especially if we happen to have a great reason to do so.

Why we took a road trip to Odell.

We love being in the country and traveling the back roads of America. There's so much to see and experience when you go off the beaten path.

Old barns and farms are just fascinating to me. I imagine what it would have been like to be an early settler or farmer who built these places. Undoubtedly there was a lot of hard work and sacrifices to be made. How people lived back then to this very day is interesting.

Yet it's not the allure of cowboys or corn fields that wanted to make us drive five hours to Odell, Nebraska. No, it was the fact that we had some very special people to sit back and enjoy life with for a few days.

The Sutton Family

Porch time with the Sutton family

Donetta and I are fortunate to know Spencer and Kristie Sutton thanks to our Scentsy business.

I met Spencer on one of our many free cruises. We formed a brotherhood by strutting our stuff on the nude beach in Sint Maarten, having only known each other for five minutes. Yep, it's a true story and you can see the proof here.

Spencer and Kristie are great because they're down to earth and authentic people. They're hard workers who love the beach and traveling, as well as enjoy talking shop over a "few" Natural Light beers. We met two of their kids, Shane and Kaden, and they're equally fun and super awesome.

These are just good folk and we love spending time with them, especially on the back porch with a bonfire. The Suttons are the real deal and we appreciate that.

What about the town of Odell?

Odell is a small town near the Nebraska and Kansas border. If you blink while driving by, you will certainly miss it. But we met some really cool people and got to see downtown, midtown, and uptown ... all within several blocks of each other. Haha!

While some people don't like that small town vibe, we really enjoyed it. There is some cool history behind Odell and you can even visit a haunted house ahem, bed and breakfast. It does have character.

Other cool places we got to see.

We visited a Stone Hollow Brewing and Smoke and Fire Cigars in Beatrice. Both were incredible places and the owners extremely friendly. A huge salute to Fred of Smoke and Fire for supporting our troops. The old building they're located in has such a cool vibe and you definitely will want to swing by there for some goods if you're ever in the area.

Spencer and Kristie also took us to the Salty Dog Saloon in Stelle City, an even smaller town.

Finally life wouldn't be complete without tasty food right?

Besides the killer steaks and sides that Spencer grilled for us, we got to enjoy a Runza for the first time. You read that right! A Runza is THE STAPLE of Nebraska and you certainly don't want to miss out on this treat. It's not keto friendly but well worth it.

If you DO want a keto friendly snack, go to Deans Gourmet Kettle Corn in Beatrice for pork rinds. Holy pig are they good. My favorite was the Jalapeño Cheddar but you can't go wrong with any of them.

Various photos from around Odell, Nebraska

A great time we will never forget.

Our road trip to Odell, Nebraska was worth every minute. It might not seem like the perfect place to visit for a vacation but it truly was. We had a lot of laughs and experienced a time we'll never forget.

Thanks to Spencer, Kristie, Shane, Kaden and their two dogs, Duke and Rocky, for letting us crash your place. Cheers!

P.S. I do love that 1969 Camaro. Maybe I'll get lucky enough to have one some day. Wink, wink.